Expatriate Tax Services
Specialized Assistance to Enable a Global Workforce
At KBF we believe in subject matter specialization and technical expertise. That’s why we created a group solely focused on individual international taxation and positioned our accounting firm differently than larger firms in the industry. At KBF we focus on providing the highest level of technical experience and customer service. For our clients, that means more personalized services from more experienced professionals, and at lower rates.
Our Expatriate Tax Services provides solutions
Our team offers worldwide tax wisdom, global mobility services and global mobility solutions from US-based, specialized accountants. We provide our global client base with:
Federal and state income tax return preparation – We specialize in expatriate tax preparation, which includes federal tax return preparation for Americans living abroad, foreign nationals, and those who have recently repatriated to the United States. Our expatriate tax services also include state tax return preparation, you still may have a state filing requirement even while living abroad. Whether you need to file a state return or not depends on the last state you resided in and your ongoing association with that state.
Foreign tax compliance – including preparation of US individual income tax returns and coordination of foreign income tax compliance.
Tax planning for inbound and outbound employees – Our expatriate tax preparation service team considers federal, state, and local tax consequences for those employees coming from abroad. Additionally, we specialize in tax information returns, including disclosure of foreign bank accounts and other financial interests.
Tax equalization calculations and policy review – “Equalization” calculations to determine payments necessary to make the assignee “whole” on an after-tax basis. Consultations about issues like stock-based compensation, retirement plan benefits, and other incentive and deferred compensation arrangements.
In addition to assistance with the tax compliance and consulting for individuals, KBF works with an independent network of service providers to help with banking, investment, relocation, insurance, immigration and legal needs.
Choosing KBF means choosing:
Personalized, attentive client services
Lower rates
Certified experts who know and care
Real-time decision making
Coordination of foreign tax returns & local country questions